Martín González


He is an attorney with more than 25 years of experience in the public sector and in important and recognized Mexican Law Firms.

Specialized in litigation, advisory and consultancy in tax, foreign trade, alternative dispute resolution (Substantial grounds of defense, conclusive agreements before the Taxpayer Ombudsman, MAPs and APAs) and amparo proceeding, as well as national and international tax advisory and consultancy. Due to his broad experience and specialization, he has advised both national and international companies and been in charge of multiple complex litigations.

His specialization has led him to advise and litigate several strategically sensitive administrative matters, such as anti-money laundering, anti-corruption, tax and personal data protection, among others, as well as to create, develop and implement compliance therein.

Pablo Francisco Isla Vázquez


He is an attorney with more than 20 years of experience in important and recognized Law Firms, as well as in the corporate sector. Specialized in advisory and consultancy in private mediation, corporate law, corporate governance, mergers and acquisitions, logistics and transportation, real estate and contracts and agreements of different nature. His specialization has been practiced mainly in matters related to corporate restructures, mergers and acquisitions, asset purchases and sales, public biddings, among others.

He is Certified Private Mediator number 362 by the Supreme Court of Justice of Mexico City.

Julián Fernández Rodríguez


He is an attorney with more than 25 years of experience advising important companies and national and multinational groups. Specialized in litigation, advisory and consultancy in civil, commercial, constitutional, corporate and real estate law.

He has constantly sponsored special commercial proceedings in connection with bonds, enforcement of guarantees, among others, as well as disputes related to civil liability arising from commercial activities of national and international companies.

Karl Friederich Bücher Suárez


He is an attorney with more than 15 years of experience advising and representing the interests of individuals, as well as national companies and multinational groups. Specialized in litigation, advisory, consultancy and compliance in strategic-criminal law in property, tax and financial crimes.

Jorge Alberto Ramírez Suárez


He is an attorney with more than 25 years of experience in labor law, advising companies in the industrial, commercial, financial and service sectors in their labor relationships and employer obligations.

He has carried out the attention and design of defenses strategic and legal representation in labor proceedings for unfair dismissal, union lawsuits and collective conflicts, agreement terminations due to loss of trust, company liquidations, employer substitutions, preparation and registration of internal labor regulations, analysis and implementation of corporate purposes of specialized services and registration before the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, conclusion of agreements for the termination of the employment relationship, confidentiality and non-competition, and in other areas of application of employer-employee relationship.

Luis Manuel Rodríguez Gutiérrez


Attorney with more than 20 years of experience acquired through a free career in litigation matters. Responsible for the civil and commercial litigation practice, advising national and international clients in shareholder conflicts; minority corporate rights; commercial bankruptcy; commercial arbitration and judicial intervention in arbitration matters.

Likewise, he advises companies in various branches, at the management level, both to find solutions to everyday problems in civil and commercial matters, as well as in complex situations that arise from the ordinary course of business.

Gisela Navarrete Gómez


Attorney with experience in civil, commercial, and family litigation. Her professional practice has developed in the sponsorship of multiple sensitive and relevant litigations, representing both individuals and important national and international companies.

Likewise, she has developed her professional experience in the preparation and execution of private mediation agreements.

She has a novel and disruptive preparation with a gender perspective, providing new strategies for the resolution of assigned issues that involve such a perspective.

Antonio Sandoval Alvarado


Attorney with experience in tax law and corporate law. Specialist in tax litigation, advisory and consultancy, alternative of dispute resolution (conclusive agreements before the Taxpayer Ombudsman) and amparo proceedings, as well as in various aspects within strategic administrative law and corporate law.

Víctor Escobar Ocampo


Attorney with experience in corporate law, corporate governance, intellectual property, compliance and strategic administrative. His specialty has been developed mainly in matters related to due diligences both national and international companies.

María Fernanda Muñoz Pérez


Attorney with experience in contractual matters whose professional practice has developed in the planning, discussion, preparation, agreement and execution of multiple highly complex civil and commercial contracts and agreements for national as well as international companies.